Let's End the Sugar Debate

I'm just going to leave this video of a lecture by Robert Lustig right here to hopefully end the sugar debate.

This video is long, but only the first hour is lecture. The rest is a Q & A session.

 It is well worth the watch and is the best explanation I've seen for why sugar is not healthy, nor good for the environment or the economy for that matter. Here's a hint: it has nothing to do with obesity.

If you've bought into the "eat less, move more" philosophy, if you struggle to go even a couple days without processed sugary foods due to cravings, if you think you can't possibly give up sugar because food is about pleasure, or if you simply want to avoid type 2 diabetes and stay healthy, this is an excellent video to watch. It's not about dieting. It's about changing your diet to maintain health and save money on healthcare in the long run.

As I have definitely had some debates with people about sugar in the past, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this topic after watching the video!


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