The Case Against Sugar - Book Review

I read The Case Against Sugar by Gary Taubes this past December and it probably gave me the best motivation for continuing to avoid sugar out of any book I have read on the subject. In the past, I would go off sugar for a 30-day challenge and then eat all the treats when I was done. Now that I know that there are legitimate health reasons to avoid sugar, thanks to Taubes' book, it has become much easier to say no.

I know this is a tricky subject. People don't want to give up sugar. I've even seen articles arguing that sugar is a necessary part of a healthy diet, which is quite untrue. A lot of people, myself included, have a tendency to view sugary foods as treats that we don't want to miss out on. However, once I learned the science behind how our bodies handle (or do not handle) sugar, I learned to view it as poison. That may sound strong, but when you read this book, you will see just how bad sugar is for our health. If food is fuel, and I believe it is, why would we want to fuel our bodies with something that will make us sick?

This book is very easy to read and really draws you in. Taubes discusses study after study on the effects of sugar on so many different physiological problems, from heart disease to gout to Type 2 Diabetes. While there is a place in a healthy person's diet for starchy carbs, sugar is best avoided by everyone, and this book really lays out a clear argument for why that is true. Whether you are trying to find the motivation to give up sugar, or are just looking to better your health and are wondering what the big deal is about sugar, I'd highly recommend this book!


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